Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What its REALLY Like to work for Cosplayer Nation

Cosplayer Nation is a cosplay documentary that goes around and films cons, throws parties, and is invited as VIP guests at several conventions. There are a lot of bad rumors about the group, that the CEOs continue to say are all lies. I'm here, as the Executive Blogger for them - to expose them now. What they have been doing, is downright wrong. Let's begin with the rumors that have already been known and circulating. 

There are rumors that the CEOs invite underage girls into their rooms and let them drink alcohol. They say that they are lies. I've since been told by several reliable sources, and seen with my own eyes, that these rumors are true. They had at least 5 underage girls drinking in their rooms at NYCC 2011, and 2 at MTAC 2013. That is unacceptable. And they continue to cover up, and slander anyone who says any different - which I'm sure they'll go after me after I post this article and turn in my resignation. 

Yet is that the only uncouth and underhanded thing they do? Unfortunately, it is not. I'm now about to expose the rest of it after I spent weeks gathering information and intel from con chairs, guest relations, and just observing how they work. 

When someone is first offered to "work" for Cosplayer Nation - the CEOs inform the greenhorn that they're about to be starting big things and if they do a bunch of good work, they'll start getting free press badges and later they promise them compensation once the company gets big. Most of, if not all of, these people being offered these benefits - have never done any press work or photography in their lives and they fall for the alluring benefits and the chances to get their work noticed by the community they so dearly enjoy. The truth is, it's a lie - they use people to do most of their work for them, then eventually drop them, and the person never receives anything they were promised. When approached about it by myself after working for them nearly 7 months, i was told "When we get money, you'll get paid" - problem is, they do get money - but they spend it on the two CEOs only. They take advantage of innocents to do their work. And anything the two CEOs actually produce themselves, is actually extremely poor and sub-par. They wouldn't survive without using and manipulating others. 

Secondly, the CEO Josh is known for harassing guests and performing in poor manners. He almost does nothing for Cosplayer Nation except skate by under the name and reap the benefits. He's been known to make girls feel extremely uncomfortable on the level that borderlines sexual harassment. He also has no filter and is incapable of being worked with. Even con chairs and staff have said they cannot work with him and have to go to the other CEO, Uke, to get anything done. So why is someone who does nothing but take, in charge of such a group?

Now comes to the majorly horrible thing I've recently become aware of, and conventions should take note of this. Cosplayer Nation at most events gets comped rooms as guests - which means, their hotel rooms are paid and provided for by the conventions - but they'll charge people to room with them. I was personally charged $90 to room with them at a con I later found out the room was paid for by the convention. That's making a profit off a free hotel room, which I'm pretty sure breaches any rules ever given. It's also disgusting, and really underhanded. If you're provided a comped guest room and you want to let friends room with you, that's cool - but you don't charge people to room in a room you don't have to pay for - unless you're donating the money to the convention. Which I doubt they are. 

In short, do not be lured into working for these people by their lies of greatness and benefits. Do not invite them to your conventions because they make themselves sound like such an asset - all they'll do is take advantage of your free hotel room to charge people for a profit, hold drinking parties where they invite underage girls, and make underlings who'll probably never work for them again do all the work they should be doing. 

I was the Executive Blogger and wrote most of the reviews of conventions for them. They also lured me into running all of Press for them, running the facebook group - and basically doing all their work while all they do is get benefits and travel to cons. I will be taking down all the articles I wrote for them and migrating them to my personal Blog after this goes live. If you are unsure of what to believe - ask yourselves why nobody sticks with working for cosplayer nation for long except for those two CEOs, why so many cons refuse to have them back, and why so many "rumors" haven't just gone away over time.... unless those rumors, and these facts in this article - are in fact, the truth. I would have just left Cosplayer Nation silently, but I know I'm not the first to be taken advantage of and used, I know the cons I was involved with them were not the first to be used by them either, and I wouldn't feel right just leaving and not trying to warn others against being manipulated and used like so many before them.

If you wish to continue to see great convention reviews and articles, follow this blog. 
Proof that I actually worked for them. These were only part of my articles. Notice that mine had the most views out of anything posted. Posting here cause I'm going to delete them before they do something even more offensive with my work that is only for the benefit of cosplayers.

An ex-cosplayer Nation member tried to warn me on one of the reviews on the blog, I was told to shut him up and told he was a liar and slanderer. I'm now certain he's not, and he's just trying to get the truth out, like I am.

I can provide further proof if asked. Thank you.

Written by Warkified Chocobo - formerly of Cosplayer Nation. 

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