Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hotel Room Horror Stories

Photo source: Google

Before I post the new article on hotel rooms, I thought it would be fun to get some horror stories regarding hotel rooms from various congoers across the nation. These are the stories we got. Some will make you cringe, some will make you laugh, and some will help get you in the mood for the next article which will be all about how to be in charge of a hotel room, how to maintain order in your hotel room, and how not to get screwed on the price if you're new to cons. With that out of the way, here are the horror stories:

"One MTAC, before it moved from the Sheraton, my friends and I went to the restuarant KOI. I happened to eat raw shrimp, thinking it was great, not knowing that it was part of the hibachi menu. So after a few hours, thinking that my stomach was rested, there was a rumbly in my tumbly, but I know I wasn't hungry. My hotel roommate tried to hold the trashcan by me, but I stumbled thinking I can make it to the bathroom. Well.... I was almost there and all of a sudden, =SPEW!!= All on the floor in front of the bed I was sleeping in, was madness. Luckily it was Saturday night, for checkout was Sunday. Sadly, all through the night, I turned towards the wall... MOAR SPEW ACTION!! After the sunrise hit, we managed to check out. Before leaving, the corner where I slept looked like a whale just died in your arms tonight..." -David from TN

"ConnectiCon, 2009. Someone left a sock in the bathroom. It was filthy. The scent of it was so strong, nobody dared enter the bathroom or even open the door. We decided that whoever left it there would be the one to go in and grab it. Nobody fessed up. I volunteered to dispose of it, since I'd been desensitized to foot odor in the past. I picked up the sock with a plastic bag and a group of us marched out into the hallway with it tied up inside the bag and threw it into the trashcan near the elevators. Apparently, everyone could still smell it. The bathroom was then assaulted by an entire can of febreeze." - Carrie from MA.

 "I was on my way back to my hotel room after hanging out with friends. One of my roommates was drunk and had me help him back to the room. He went into the bathroom, didn't respond and had to go to the hospital after everyone in my room got kicked out." - Mr. Chuckles from IL

"MTAC 2012: A person in our room, who seemed to not have much experience with sharing a room (might have even been first MTAC, though not first con) was apparently not aware of the size limitations and that we weren't sharing space in the other room, since someone in that room had some health concerns and her partner was being a bit obtrusive. That drama aside, she invited what I believe were at least 2 unexpected people into our room and they set up an air mattress. This was Saturday night. Friday night was fine, everyone was relatively comfortable. Saturday, I was pretty much forced by necessity to sleep in the bathtub, however little sleep I got through that, because we have at least 10 people in the room, plus our luggage." - Jared from TN

"AWA 2008. I booked a room, first night the toilet overflowed. And I don't just mean a little mess either. It OVERFLOWED and put about two inches of water in the bathroom. Next day, same convention, the battery to the door died and locked everyone out for about 5 hours before maintenance finally came to open the door. This all happened in the Waverley too." -Mallory from GA

 "Colossal Con used to be at a hotel that had a rowdy bar that swingers would often go to. On Friday evening, two drunk men from the bar were saying nasty sexual things to me. At the time, I was under age. I had a guy friend with me who stood up to the two men, and my friend was then assaulted by the two men. Con staff and police had previous complaints about the men harassing con-goers, but the police did nothing. I even filed a police report and was not taken seriously because I was "in costume". This is also one of the reasons the con changed hotels." - Vincent from OH

"There were 3 teenage girls in the room next to ours. They were screaming, hooting, and hollaring late and night and finally, sick of it, I went "That's it, I'm gonna go tell them off." I open the door, look, and the girl is locked out of her room, topless, and her friends won't let her back in. For a good five seconds I'm like "Ohshit" And then I'm like "Hold still, let me get you a towel." So I grab a towel, throw it at her, and bang on her door and say "LET HER IN NOW" Her friend finally opens the door, cackling, and the girl and her other friend bumrush inside and I'm like "I need that towel back! Now can you be quiet and go to bed? I have a lady who just had leg surgery next door and we're trying to sleep." - Katie from TN

"AX 2010 -I stayed with w a girl who promised the room who would be at the clarition. Tuirns out is was at this little no name hotel about 2.5 miles (an hours walk to and from the hotel each way.)
At first, I'm like...Ok...whatever.
I enjoy the con and i attend an event that allows me to win a prize, one of which was a box of naruto cards
I cone back the second day and i notice that thebox was gone!
she had let another group of friends come into the room and they took it.
I didnt know about that until a few months later. Anyway - she needed money for whatever reaso nand i loaned her he money. She took it and I made her sign an IOU.
The next day, she gives me the money back and we are good. Then, on the final day, her madame red (from black butler) was holed. It had holes in it, like someone had made it with a knife. I only had a pocket knife for packages and things.
She blamed me for that (not in my face of course)
Then as I'm at the con, she tells the con ops and they tell the TRUE police, that i pulled a knife on HER!!" - RM from CA

 "GMX 2012!!! Our story starts at the Anime Blues Con room party I got roped in to help bar tending. There was this guy that was soooo wasted, I gave him 1/4 of a glass of sprite and cranberry juice, he shook his head yelling how strong it was. Fast forward to the party shutting down at 3am, I helped pack up and empty the room and I lounge in the lobby with some people (yes you Abra) and the same guy who is still very much intoxicated followed with us with the same glass of sprite n cranberry juice that I gave him 3 hrs before. He spilt it and started to drink it through the straw he had off of the table. Most of us took that as a sign to turn in for the night. Like every con, I pack all my belongings Saturday night so check out is a breeze. My room mates were all already asleep so I take all my belonging into the bathroom so I wouldn't disturb them. I unload my bag and I hear a knock on our door, I look to see its the same very drunk guy. My first thought is that he followed me. He said this was his room, he was invited by one of our roomies, who was working security over night at fang con on the other side of Nashville that very same weekend. So the person who he is claiming said he could stay in our room is totally unavailable. I ask one of the guys who would've known if it was true or not, and he had no clue. Well we brought with us an extra blanket, I told him to use it and find a spot on the floor because the one available spot on the bed was mine. I went back into the bathroom, trying to pack faster, AND HE WALKS IN AND STARTS TO STRIP!!! I asked him to step out, asked again, told him to step out, told him I am now very uncomfortable, but he was so drunk all he did was shush me! I yelled for him to get the fuck out and locked the door of the bathroom. I threw everything in my back. I was planning to go for a walk to calm down and come back in like an hour to sleep. I go into the room looking for my shoes, while keeping an eye out for the body on the floor. I don't see a body, I DO see a pile of clothes... All HIS clothes and I looked to my spot on the bed... THERE WAS A BUTT NAKED ASIAN IN MY SPOT!! Well, there went any chance of me sleeping. I left and wandered with a friend who was still up and we fell asleep in one of the viewing rooms while Iron Man 2 was playing. Oh Robert Downey Jr. how you make me happy." - DM from TN

"ColossalCon 2008: We had an eight-hour drive from Louisville to Cleveland in 95-degree heat...nine hours if you count getting lost. It was a group of 12 split amongst three cars, and we were all pretty sweaty by the end of it. One of the girls was a larger girl who I will call "Susan", because I know no Susans and thus none shall get mad at me. She smelled quite badly by the end of this drive, but we didn't think much of it since no one smelled like roses at this point.
We checked in...or tried to. My boyfriend at the time had messed up his reservation and didn't have con rate. No one had extra money, so he had to cancel a room. While at this point it's normal and comfy for me to have 6-8 people in a hotel room, my first con was spent in a medium-sized room with 11 other people and only 2 beds. This was made worse by the fact that Susan refused to shower.
The smell was so bad that by day #2, the entire floor of the hotel smelled like her filth. Stepping into our room was a nauseating experience, as she was trying to finish her cosplay for the Cosplay Contest on Saturday and thus never left the room. She also managed to clog the toilet halfway through day #2.
I wish I were making this stuff up.
I had been sharing one of the beds with my boyfriend and a friend from high school. That night after attending one of the later panels, we returned to the room to see that Susan had passed out on top of our bed, her tainted rolls billowing over our sheets and pillows.
I slept on the floor that night.
She stepped on me the next morning.
Day #3 began with us trying to trick Susan into bathing by coaxing her into the hot tub. She stayed in for about 10 minutes and actually smelled better! Then, she went outside and played kickball with Vic Mignogna and Aaron Dismuke, who were guests at the convention and had arranged a tournament for all to attend. We were back to step one at this point, and the rave that night only worsened things.
The next day we were to leave. The three drivers drew straws to see who Susan had to ride with, as she was still refusing to bathe. The poor unlucky driver and his passengers had to keep their windows all completely down the entire way home, and I am told that the driver's car smelled like Susan for days after the trip, similarly to how one's car smells of pizza following a trip to Little Caesar's.
Or after hitting a skunk.
In the subsequent five years since this trip, Susan has learned that showering is a good thing...sometimes. When she sees you out and about and tries to hug you, sometimes she smells like a spring breeze, and sometimes she gives you PTSD. This is the reason why I always put "Those in my rooms are expected to clean themselves daily!" in the documents I give to those traveling to cons with me. Most laugh and shrug at this phrasing, thinking that I'm just being silly, but those who also attended that fateful trip in June 2008 always nod their heads solemnly and thank their lucky stars that I was so thoughtful."
-Angela from OH 

These cover several issues that happen quite often at conventions regarding hotel rooms. A lot of people have had the pleasure of avoiding such horrendous situations, but there will be a day when you face this. Soon I will be posting how to handle situations like this, keep your hotel room in order, and not be taken advantage of or offended by others in the room like the above stories. Be looking forward to it, it will be posted tomorrow evening!

Blog Compiled by: Abra Gauthier. Stories gathered from various locations.

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