Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Interview With Cosplay In America

 Here is a short interview I managed to get from the author of Cosplay In America. If you are unfamiliar with what Cosplay In America is, you can learn more by clicking here. Questions will be in bold, Cosplay In America's answers will be in italics. We are very grateful that he spared the time to give us this interview.

What first got you interested in attending conventions?

Let's see .... I was in anime as a teenager and when I went to college, some friends told me there was an anime con down in Dallas so I went for one day and spent all my money in the dealer hall ! My first actual 3 day con was Anime Expo in 2008. Wait..that was a four day con... well, you get the idea !

What was your first reaction to seeing cosplayers up close and personal?

You made THAT ? I was really happy to talk to cosplayers and they seem so passionate about making their outfits. I tend to like creative folks so it was easy. Now days what interest me more is how to take a known character and tweak it in a way that is still recognizable.

What inspired you to start Cosplay In America?

Honestly, a friend convinced me to do and I went along with it. Who knew it would end up in long nights on the computer, grey hairs and a chance to travel the country !

At this point in Cosplay In America's history, are you surprised at how well it's been taken to by the community?

VERY SURPRISED. I don't feel like I'm doing anything different from anyone else out there but I've met so many people who told me they got into cosplay because of me .... and I don't even cosplay that much ! I usually cosplay at local SoCal cons and my only out of state con to cosplay at was Youmacon in Detroit. 

When you choose a cosplay to take a photo of, what aspects of the costumes draw you the most?

Actually, it is more of the experience of interacting with the person - though not necessarily the character. I like fun shots so I like to play around and create "stories".

What was one of the best convention experiences you've had? Why? The worst, why?
Hmmm...best con experience ?  

I was a guest at Otakuthon in Montreal and I stood on stage in front of thousands.... freaked me out ! So that was pretty awesome and scary.
Worst experience actually didn't dealt with the con but with the travel to the con. The airline I used lost my luggage TO the con and BACK from the con. I can understand losing it one way but both ways ? Luckily the luggage was found.... a day later. 

Out of all the cons you've been to, what are a few of your favorites and why?

Wow, tough question. For pure cosplay reasons - DragonCon in Atlanta, GA. I love A-kon - but that was my first anime con - so first love. San Diego Comic Con is completely crazy experience, I have no idea how people go to it for 4 days straight because I'm exhausted !

A lot of cosplayers look up to you, are inspired by your work and are driven to improve their skills in the hopes of being featured by you- do you have any words of wisdom of advice you'd like to express to your followers? (it could be about costumes, photography related, etc)

Don't look to me for validation. Look to yourself for validation. the person that matters the most is you - not some dude like me online, lol ! It's nice people want to be feature by me but what I do a lot of time is spent time looking on DA, Flickr, Facebook as well as Instagram. People are free to submit links if they like. There's a submission link on my Facebook. But really, do it for yourself, not anyone else.

What does cosplay mean to you as a photographer in the community?

Community of like-minded folks who tend to be in the creative field. It's a chance to escape life and go live another life for the weekend and hey, life is tough already, why not have fun ?

This is your free reign - what's one question you've been dying to be asked and give an answer for? 

favorite candy : Skittles !

Interview conducted by: Abra Gauthier (Warkified Chocobo)

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